2014-05-19   作者:周武英/编译  来源:经济参考报

  Mobile phone industry giants Apple and Google have agreed to dismiss lawsuits they had brought against each other over technology patents.

  The two Silicon Valley technology giants said they are dropping lawsuits against one another and will work together in some areas of patent reform. The dismissed suits involve patent disputes regarding Google’s Motorola Mobility handset unit. The deal doesn’t include Apple’s ongoing patent battles with Samsung,which uses Google’s Android software for mobile devices. The agreement does not include a cross licence.

  Motorola sued Apple for patent infringement in 2010,and Apple countersued. Google inherited the suits when it bought Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion in 2012 in part to obtain Motorola’s portfolio of thousands of patents,which it used to defend its Android mobile-operating system from intellectual-property claims by Apple,Microsoft Corp and others. Google earlier this year agreed to sell Motorola’s devices unit to Chinese computer maker Lenovo Group Ltd. for $2.9 billion,though it would keep Motorola’s patents.

  Apple’s iOS software and Google’s Android power the majority of the world’s smartphones and tablets and both are seeking to keep their pre-eminent positions in those growing markets. Both are also duelling each other in areas including mobile maps,online music and other products.

  Apple-which produces iPhones-and firms that make phones using Google’s Android software earlier . Android software is now installed on some 80% of new phones sold every year.

  Until Friday,Apple and Google were locked in about 20 lawsuits against each other in the U.S. and Germany. Once allies,Apple and Google are butting heads more frequently,eying the same acquisition targets and top engineering talent as each company’s business in areas such as maps,voice-based search,streaming video devices and Web browsers bleeds into the other’s.

  “It’s always in the interest of consumers when cooler heads prevail,”said Al Hilwa,an analyst at researcher IDC.“Anything that can make the ecosystem more interoperable and for people to kind of easily move from one ecosystem to another is good for everyone.”

  Despite the detente,Google still faces patent litigation from a company that is partially owned by Apple called the Rockstar Consortium. Rockstar was set up as a joint venture owned by Apple,Microsoft,BlackBerry Ltd.,Ericsson Inc. and Sony Corp. after that group beat out Google in a bidding war for patents owned by Nortel Networks Inc. in 2011. Rockstar last November launched a barrage of lawsuits against Google as well as makers of Android devices.
  尽管局势已经缓和,但是谷歌仍面临Rockstar Consortium的专利侵权。Rockstar Consortium是苹果、微软、黑莓、爱立信和索尼公司的合资企业,2011年,这一联合集团和谷歌在争夺北电网络公司所拥有的专利权时将谷歌击败。去年11月,Rockstar发起对谷歌和安卓制造商的系列法律诉讼。(《华尔街日报》)

  While the agreement settles differences between Apple and Google’s Motorola Mobility over basic patents,Apple has been embroiled in litigation against Samsung,the biggest maker of Android smartphones. In a second trial that ended earlier this month,Apple won $US120 million from Samsung after seeking $US2 billion in damages. The jury also found that Apple infringed one Samsung patent,awarding it $US158,000.



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