2013-09-02   作者:周武英/编译  来源:经济参考报

  Vodafone and Verizon Communications aim to put the finishing touches to a $130bn deal over the holiday weekend to unravel their US mobile phone joint venture as UK investors lick their lips at the prospect of a huge cash windfall.People familiar with the deal said that after about $5bn of tax and the transfer of Verizon’s stake in Vodafone Italy,which is valued at about $5bn,the UK group could receive about $120bn split equally between cash and equity in the US company.

  A deal,which the sources said could be announced as soon as Monday,would cap Verizon‘s decade-long effort to win full control of the No. 1 U.S. wireless provider.

  The prospect of the third-largest merger and acquisitions deal in history would line investors’pockets as well as helping the UK economic recovery in what has been called a “massive quantitative easing injection”by people close to the talks.

  Vodafone’s 12-month dividend yield stands at 5.5 percent compared with an average of 5.1 percent for its European and UK peer group,according to Thomson Reuters data.

  While some investors relish the idea of a special dividend and buyback spree,others say Vodafone is selling its best asset and must reinvest much of the proceeds in the company’s future to avoid reliance on low-growth European markets.

  Vodafone has increasingly diversified from its“pure play”mobile strategy in the last 18 months,buying British fixed-line operator Cable & Wireless Worldwide for $1.6 billion last year and German cable operator Kabel Deutschland for $10 billion in June,its largest deal for six years.It is also building a 1 billion euro fiber-optic network in Spain with France’s Orange.
  在过去一年半内,沃达丰越来越远离其单一的移动电话业务战略,它去年以16亿美元购买了英国固定电话运营商Cable & Wireless Worldwide。今年6月,又以100亿美元购买了德国有线电视系统商Kabel Deutschland。公司还打算和法国橙公司共同在西班牙建设10亿欧元的光纤网络。(CNBC)

  Vodafone’s shares yesterday rallied as much as 8 percent after the British telecommunications giant confirmed it had resumed talks to sell to Verizon Communications  its stake in their US joint venture Verizon Wireless in a deal which analysts believe could be worth more than $125 billion.

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