2012-07-30   作者:周武英/编译  来源:经济参考报

  In its first quarterly update as a publicly traded company,Facebook reported its slowest revenue growth in at least a year,a tripling of its costs and expenses and a decline in some levels of user activity. Also,the company offered few specifics on future results and how it plans to profit from users spending more time on mobile devices,a trend that has threatened the social-network company。

  The social network reported second-quarter revenues of $1.18 billion,up 32 percent from the same quarter last year,narrowly beating analyst estimates. But marketing and sales expenses quadrupled to $392 million,share-based compensation swelled,and margins fell from 53 percent a year earlier to 43 percent. 

  Although the stock fell to a low of $22.28,it closed at $23.71,down $3.14,or 11.7 percent.The fall resulted from a tepid earnings report by the company on Thursday.

  On the post-earnings-report conference call,founder and Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg addressed analysts to give“a clear sense of the investments we are making.”He said the company is focusing on three growth areas—mobile,a platform(software on which other companies can build),and social ads. 

  “Facebook is in the early stages of an important transition in its (mobile)advertising business that should drive accelerating growth and margin expansion over time,”J.P. Morgan Securities analysts said. 

  Facebook only recently began to offer limited advertising on its mobile platform. The company generates a very small portion of revenue from mobile,but is investing heavily in improving mobile apps and building a platform on top of which new apps can be built.

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